
Under Construction

Man in a Hat Pictures

Welcome to Man in a Hat Pictures,

Photos taken are both Public and Private.


man and woman standing in front of brown concrete building during daytime
man and woman standing in front of brown concrete building during daytime
Landscape Photography

Photos of places been to

man in black long sleeve shirt smoking cigarette
man in black long sleeve shirt smoking cigarette
Portrait Photography

People I have met

photo of man on snow-covered landphoto of man on snow-covered land
Event Photography

Capturing the special moments and atmosphere of events through event photography. Each image immortalizes the joy and excitement of the occasion.

photo of man on snow-covered land
photo of man on snow-covered land
Street Photography


Just Out And About

Exploring the world and capturing the essence of different cultures and destinations through travel photography. Each image transports you to a different place and time.

six women leaning on white wall
six women leaning on white wall
Product Photography

Showcasing the beauty and details of products through professional product photography. Each image highlights the quality and craftsmanship of the items.

black and silver TLR camera on Isle Of Wight map
black and silver TLR camera on Isle Of Wight map
Travel Photography

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About The Man In The Hat

Retiring after 40 years as Master Electrician. I wanted to do something that I had always enjoyed but never had time to devote to. I had taken many photos as a younger man with various results. I hope to expand and enjoy a renewed interest with a camera and photography.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for any inquiries or collaborations
